"Expelled" is a sloppy, all-over-the-place, poorly made (and not just a little boring) "expose" of the scientific community. It’s not very exciting. But it does show that Stein, who’s carved out a career selling eye drops in commercials and amusing us on sitcoms, is either completely nuts or so avaricious that he’s abandoned all good sense to make a buck.
Ben Stein: Win His Career
After seeing a new non-fiction film starring Comedy Central’s Ben Stein, you may not only be able to win his money, but also his career.
Stein is that whiny little guy with the monotone voice that makes him seem funny and an unlikely "character" for TV appearances. But that career may be over come April 18, when a movie he co-wrote, narrates and appears in, called "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed," is released.
Directed by one Nathan Frankowski, "Expelled" is a sloppy, all-over-the-place, poorly made (and not just a little boring) "expose" of the scientific community. It’s not very exciting. But it does show that Stein, who’s carved out a career selling eye drops in commercials and amusing us on sitcoms, is either completely nuts or so avaricious that he’s abandoned all good sense to make a buck.
To wit: Stein, Frankowski and pals say in "Expelled" that perfectly good scientists and educators are being stigmatized for wanting to teach their students creationism and "intelligent design" — in other words, junk science — in addition to or instead of conventionally accepted Darwinism. You see, Stein, like some other celebrities, finally has shown his true colors and they aren’t so pretty.
The gist of Stein’s involvement is: He’s outraged! He believes in God! God created the universe! How can we not avail our students of this theory? What do you mean we’re just molecules?
What the producers of this film would love, love, love is a controversy. That’s because it’s being marketed by the same people who brought us "The Passion of the Christ." They’re hoping someone will latch onto an anti-Semitism theme here, since there’s a visit to a concentration camp and the raised idea — apparently typical of the intelligent design community — that somehow the theory of evolution is so evil that it caused the Holocaust. Alas, this is such a warped premise that no one’s biting.
The whole idea of Stein, a Jew, jumping on the intelligent design bandwagon of the theory of evolution begetting the Nazis is so distasteful you wonder what in — sorry — God’s name — he was thinking when he got into this. Who cares, really, if "Expelled" is anti-Semitic? It will come and go without much fanfare.[...]
PS: Following "The Passion" release pattern, "Expelled" will open wide on the 18th, but mostly in rural and poor neighborhoods. It’s got just one theater in all of New York City, in Times Square, none in places like Beverly Hills or wealthier, better-educated urban neighborhoods where more "evolved" people might live.
[Quelle: FOXNews; Heraushebungen IM ORIGINAL]
[Bild-Quelle: SteveStory, AtBC]
[via Afarensis; The Austringer]
Ich würde mich ja scheckig lachen, wenn die Amerikaner ausgerechnet durch "Expelled" realisieren würden, was für ein Blödsinn ID und diese ganze Märtyrerpose seiner Vertreter ist... Wenn selbst FOXNews das rafft, besteht wirklich Hoffnung.

2 Kommentare:
"PS: Following "The Passion" release pattern, "Expelled" will open wide on the 18th, but mostly in rural and poor neighborhoods. It’s got just one theater in all of New York City, in Times Square, none in places like Beverly Hills or wealthier, better-educated urban neighborhoods where more "evolved" people might live."
Das sagt alles, oder?
@ Cavon:
Auch in Bezug auf Deinen vorangegangenen Kommentar, dass die IDler ihren eigene Mist selber nicht mehr glauben - dieser Film, seine Vermarktung, jetzt die Plagiatsklage, all das zusammengenommen vereint alles, was ich an der ganzen ID-Geschichte abstoßend finden. Sie geben nicht einmal vor, an Wissenschaft interessiert zu sein. Es ist ihnen völlig egal, welche Lügen sie erzählen (müssen), um ihrer "Zielgruppe" das Gefühl zu geben, sie könnten ruhig Wissenschaft und Realität weiter ignorieren. Sie wollen überhaupt nicht mit Wissenschaftlern reden oder an Wissenschaft beteiligt sein, dass ist der für sie lästige Teil - was sie aber nicht daran hindert, so zu tun, als wären es die Wissenschaftler, die sie ausschließen.
Ihr eigenes Journal, PCID, ist seit über zwei Jahren nicht mehr erschienen. Dembskis neue "Artikel" sind seit mittlerweile neun Monaten "in Review" (wer's glaubt).
Das "Biologic institute" des Discovery Institutes besteht seit über zwei Jahren und sie haben's noch nicht mal geschafft, eine vernünftige Webpräsenz zu schaffen, geschweige denn, dass sonst irgendwas veröffentlicht würde.
Welche "darwinistische Verschwörung" hindert sie denn daran, in ihren eigenen Instituten zu forschen und in ihren eigenen Zeitschriften zu publizieren?
[Siehe auch Sparcs Beiträge hier und hier]
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