Haidinger's brush is an entoptic phenomenon first described by Austrian physicist Wilhelm Karl von Haidinger in 1844.[Quelle: Wikipedia]
Many people are able to perceive polarization of light. It may be seen as a yellowish horizontal bar or bow-tie shape (with "fuzzy" ends, hence the name "brush") visible in the center of the visual field against the blue sky viewed while facing away from the sun, or on any bright background when looking through polarized sunglasses. The direction of light polarization is perpendicular to the yellow bar (i.e. vertical if the bar is horizontal). Fainter bluish or purplish areas may be visible between the yellow brushes (see illustration). Haidinger's brush may also be seen by looking at a white area on many flat panel computer screens, in which case it is often diagonal.
Um es auf einem Computer-Bildschirm (LCD) zu sehen, muss man nur auf eine weiße Fläche schauen und langsam den Kopf zur Seite neigen (die Bewegung des "Büschels" erleichtert das Sehen).
To see Haidinger's brush, start by using a polarizer, such as a lens from a pair of polarizing sunglasses. Gaze at an evenly lit, textureless surface through the lens and rotate the polarizer.[Quelle: Wikipedia]
You can instead use the polarizer that is built into a computer's LCD screen: simply look at a white area on the screen, and slowly tilt your head (a CRT monitor does not involve a polarizer, so it will not work for this purpose unless you look through a separate polarizer).
Wenn man es erstmal entdeckt hat, kann man kaum glauben, dass man es vorher nie gesehen hat. Geht mir jedenfalls so (habe gerade 5 Minuten lang in völliger Begeisterung den Kopf von einer Seite zur anderen neigend auf meinen Laptop-Monitor gestarrt - hoffentlich hat mich niemand gesehen...).
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