26 August 2007

Der Fortschritt macht auch vor Texas nicht halt.

Das Frauen sich am Besten auf die drei Ks (Küche, Kinder, Kirche) beschränken sollten, ist mittlerweile ja dankenswerterweise eine überholte Einstellung. Selbst am Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Texas geht man mit der Zeit und bietet Kurse extra für Frauen an. Jetzt wurde ein neuer BA*-Studiengang ins Programm aufgenommen, "Homemaking", mit folgenden Kursinhalten:

Preparing women to model the characteristics of a Godly woman as outlined in Scripture. This is done through instruction in homemaking skills, developing insights into home and family while continuing to equip women to understand and engage the culture of today. It is unique in that we recognize the need to challenge women both intellectually and practically. It is our mission to equip a woman to impact women and families for Christ.
  • Orientation to Homemaking
  • Biblical Model for the Home and Family
  • Nutrition
  • Value of a Child
  • Meal Preparation with Lab
  • Senior Seminar
  • Basics of Design [Anm.: Das bezieht sich auf "Textiles gestalten"...]
  • Homemaking Practicum
  • Clothing Construction with Lab
    Großartig. Endlich kann man eine intellektuell befriedigte Hausfrau sein (Hausmänner sind zu diesem Studiengang natürlich nicht zugelassen). Die Pressemitteilung dazu erleuchtet uns noch weiter:
    “It is homemaking for the sake of the church and the ministry and for the sake of our society,” Patterson [Anm.: the Seminary President] said during his convention report. “If we do not do something to salvage the future of the home, both our denomination and our nation will be destroyed.”

    Patterson referred to Titus 2:3-5 in the Holman Christian Standard Bible, which says, “Older women are … to teach what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands and children, to be sensible, pure, good homemakers, and submissive to their husbands, so that God's message will not be slandered.” Southwestern’s homemaking concentration offers courses related to home finance, children’s development, nutrition, meal preparation, design and clothing.

    According to Stovall [Anm.: dean of women’s studies], the homemaking concentration is biblically grounded in the Apostle Paul’s command to Titus to train women how to be good homemakers. Specialized training in homemaking is important because of the low standard of family and home life in contemporary culture. She added that these skills are especially important for women who marry men in the ministry.

    “A woman can honestly make or break a ministry,” Stovall said. “What she does in a home as a partner in ministry with her husband can take a ministry miles ahead if she can just do what God has called her to do in the way that He has called her to do it.”
    Empfehlenswert wäre natürlich, dass sie, wenn sie es denn geschafft hat, einen Pfarrer zu heiraten, auch noch den "Special Course: The Wife of the Equipping Minister" belegt, auf das sie lernt,
    [...] to fulfill divinely-assigned responsibilities to her husband of helping him in the task God has assigned to him and submitting to his leadership in the home and church;
    Als kleine Nebeninformation: Das Southern Baptist Theological Seminary ist die akademische Heimat des allseits bekannten William Dembski.


    [via Thoughts in a Haystack]

    * BA = Bachelor of Arts

    1 Kommentare:

    SPARC said...

    Sehr lustig finde ich, dass Herr Gitt zur Bezeichnung seines Unsinns "Naturgesetzliche Informationstheorie" wählte. Da konnte er seinen Namen ja schön in der Abkürzung NGIT unterbringen. Intelligent designte Eitelkeit? Sicher nicht, das wäre ja eine Todsünde.